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tool test中文是什么意思

用"tool test"造句"tool test"怎么读"tool test" in a sentence


  • 工具试验


  • Be responsible for the measure tool testing and measure management
  • According to the requirement of the tools test parameter and craft test parameter , have done the design and analysis for the subsystem parts
  • The design for the drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well has been checked and accepted by the experts of the dagang oil field technology departmentalism
  • The intention to build the drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well is to meet the dagang oil - field ' s requirement for developing the drill and petroleum extraction tools
  • The drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well is built in room , that not only can ensure that test environment meeting the test request but also is very convenience for equipment maintenance
  • According to the requirement of the drill and petroleum extraction tools test and craft test , have made the design and performance analysis for every subsystem of the drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well
  • The drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well is made up of the multifunction test - machine system ( hydraulic system ) , the calefaction system the circulation system , the testing system and the assistant system
    钻采工具试验井共由多功能试验机系统(液压系统) 、加热系统、循环系统、测试系统和辅助系统组成。
  • Using for reference the experience of tools test - well and crafts test - well domestic and international , to fit the dagang oil - field ' s requirement for developing the drill and petroleum extraction tools , the author have made the basic work parameter of the drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well in this dissertation
  • On the basis of having refered larg number of abroad test - well data and having investigated same local test - well , this dissertation have designed the drill and petroleum extraction tools test - well whole scheme to fit the well drill and petroleum extraction busywork characteristic and the demand of technique store for the dagang oil - field
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